A Timeshare Attorney Gets Attention! - Cancel Timeshare

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A Timeshare Attorney Gets Attention!

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A Timeshare Attorney Gets Attention!

A Timeshare Attorney Gets Attention

Howard and Katherine purchased a timeshare from a major timeshare company in 2005.  Unrelenting sales maneuvers pressed them to add to their portfolio, as they were repeatedly told that owning a greater number of timeshares would improve their vacation options and ability to make reservations – not true, as they would learn.  With their exorbitant year-end tax and maintenance bill, painful reality struck and pushed them to action.

Careful research for a “rock-solid” exit plan

They found many companies promising easy assistance to cancel their timeshares, but very few employed attorneys.  Many just offered advice for them to deal with the timeshare company on their own.  One would outline a plan for them to follow – at a $30,000 consulting fee!

A competent attorney – the only way to exit the timeshare “financial merry-go-round”

To confront a multi-billion-dollar timeshare corporation, they realized it was essential to secure proper legal representation –  to engage a law firm that specialized in dealing with unscrupulous timeshare companies and their deceptive tactics.  Further research led them to the Aaronson Law Firm in greater Orlando, the acclaimed “timeshare capital of the world”.

Patient, fair and effective!

Our CancelTimeshare Attorneys patiently guided Howard and Katherine through the process, recommended a course of action and projected a timeline and service fees.  Because the firm understands and deals with deceptive timeshare companies on a regular basis, they know the appropriate steps that yield positive results.  The timeshare company settled exactly as predicted in that initial meeting.

Please call 407-439-0868 or email us today for your FREE legal consultation.


  • Gloria Cruz
    Reply March 6, 2019 at 9:29 pm

    Would like information on how to sell a timeshare.

    • Gio-User
      Reply April 4, 2019 at 5:16 pm

      Hi Gloria, have you been helped with this?

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