Sorry – You Signed the Contract

how to get out of a timeshare contract

Sadly, that response is all too familiar to many timeshare owners, who try to cancel their contract.  The timeshare company hides behind the oral representation clause that basically indicates – “pay no attention to what our sales representatives say.”

You don’t expect to be told lies!

That’s the problem.  Of course, you expect truth – not fairytale promises – from sales representatives. Too soon, you discover the timeshare rep’s many deceitful statements about investment quality, resale values, rental opportunities and easy reservations in exotic locations.  And perhaps you’ve heard the claim that you did not buy enough points to stay anywhere with so few points – a common tactic to upsell you more points.

Disgraceful timeshare company responses

get out of a timeshare contract

Often the typical timeshare company response to owner complaints is, “We are not responsible for what our sales agents say.”  Other common maneuvers include “You signed the contract” and “You have no proof.” The whole operation and lack of accountability encourage timeshare agents to deceive buyers.

When you, a family member or friend face these kinds of fraudulent sales tactics; you need the full force of legal representation on your side.  Our timeshare attorneys know how to stand up to powerful timeshare companies on your behalf to cancel your unwanted timeshare and preserve your credit.

Please call 407-439-0868 or email us today for your FREE legal consultation.

READ MORE  Timeshare Cancelled, Credit Saved

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